Begin Again is a space for transformation.
New 8-week dream circle starting 18 February (one space left) - find out more
Inner work
Trauma & bodywork
Psychedelic Integration
Courses & workshops
Inner work • Trauma & bodywork • Tarot • Dreamwork • Psychedelic Integration • Courses & workshops •
Ways to begin again
Deepen your relationship with yourself, your body, and your life through individual psychotherapy, online and in person.
Dreamwork Sessions
Explore the hidden meaning of a dream and how to incorporate the wisdom of your unconscious in practical ways.
Online Tarot Readings
Deepen your understanding of yourself, your purpose, or a particular situation in a co-creative dialogue with the cards.
Psychedelic Integration
Ground the profound insights of a psychedelic experience, find meaning, and create lasting change.
Courses & workshops
Learn and practice new methods for deepening your inner work in an embodied, trauma-informed way.
Dream groups
Join a community learning the language of dreams and building intimacy with their unconscious.
My approach
My approach is rooted in my passion for navigating the dual aspects of being human: the personal and the transpersonal; trauma and transcendence; mind and body; dark and light; heaven and earth.
We need both–and to address one without the other is to simply cut ourselves off from our birthright to wholeness.
A heart-led, holistic approach that addresses both the personal and spiritual dimensions in order to support you in becoming who you're meant to become. This is a non-pathologising approach focused on self-discovery, depth, and integration of all aspects of self, rather than fixing or treating symptoms.
An infinitely fascinating way of engaging with the unconscious to discover who you’re meant to become through the exploration of dreams, myths, art, synchronicity, symbols, and creative imagination.
A beautiful and collaborative somatic approach to working with trauma (PTSD and CPTSD) and neurodiversity using movement, posture, and physiology to restore safety and connection in the body.
A playful and creative way of engaging with the archetypes that underpin our day-to-day existence through imagination and embodiment. I have created my own way of working with the tarot somatically, which I sometimes teach in workshops.
A profound way of working with your inner healer to explore unconscious content and inquire into the mystery of existence. I co-facilitate legal psychedelic experiences abroad and support people in integrating the content that arises during their journeys and creating lasting change in normal states of consciousness.
I teach trauma-sensitive mindfulness and meditation to befriend sensations, emotions, and thoughts, and cultivate freedom beyond the conscious mind, both through secular and Buddhist perspectives.
Hi. I’m Maria, the creator of Begin Again.
I’m a qualified integrative psychotherapist specialising in trauma, bodywork, and Jungian psychology. I’m also a writer, creative consultant for conscious entrepreneurs, and a human attempting to balance heaven and earth with integrity and humour.
I created Begin Again as a living manifesto for the guiding principle that has come to govern so much of my life: that regardless of where we are, with the right support, we can always begin again.
My mission is to help you consciously participate in your individuation, reclaim your body, and reconnect to who you truly are. I do this through teaching, 1:1 sessions, and helping entrepreneurs align their business with a higher purpose.
Ever wondered what your dreams mean?
Dreams are the messages your true self sends you every night about your inner reality. They speak in symbols and tell you where to go, what to do, and who you are–so why shouldn’t you learn to listen?
Join a one-of-a-kind private community to learn the art and science of dreamwork, discover the hidden messages in your dreams, and get ongoing professional support from a transpersonal therapist.
New 8-week dream group: 18 February - 8 April, Tuesday evenings 7-9pm GMT
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The dangers of Jungian psychology
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