Join Dreamwork Circle and fall in love with your inner life.

Amplify your inner work

Attending dream circles can greatly enhance any therapeutic or spiritual inquiry you’re already doing, and will help you access deeper parts of yourself.

Learn the art of dreamwork

Participating in dream circles can help you learn analytical and creative principles of dreamwork, so you can begin to honour your dreams even outside the group.

Be part of a community

Sharing your dreams with others in a safe container increases wellbeing and connects you to others who are dedicated to their inner work.

Working with your dreams can change your life

  • We often think of ourselves as just our egos, but we’re much more than our consciousness. You don’t really know yourself until you know the contents of your unconscious: your deepest dreams, your hidden gifts, your unrealised potential. Working with your dreams can help you know yourself much deeply and actualise your potential.

  • Dreams are incredibly practical. The majority of your dreams reveal your hidden conflicts and how you limit ourself in your day-to-day life. They present solutions the conscious mind would’ve never thought of, bring new ideas, and can even anticipate events that will happen.

  • Intuition is all about what’s deeply right for you and you only; but sometimes it’s difficult to discern what’s intuition and what’s ego or anxiety. Listening to your dreams can solidify your inner trust and help you discern who and what’s right for you.

  • While most dreams deal with day-to-day issues and conflicts, at times you may have “big dreams”. These important dreams can help reveal your myth: who you are and what you are here to achieve.

  • Did you know that the psyche heals itself through dreams? Paying attention to them can help you work through old emotional wounds, understand how they’re still impacting you today, and shift trauma in creative ways.

  • Countless stories, songs, art, and movies are inspired by the creator’s dreams. Paying attention to your dream images can inspire you to engage with life in symbolic ways that pave the way to a deeper connection to all things and more creativity.

  • A dream circle is a potent form of group work where participants regularly share their dreams and support each other in understanding them. You’ll be part of a group of kind, creative, and inspiring individuals who will always want to hear about your dreams.

Learn the art of dreamwork

Become a member and get instant access to the full curriculum of expertly curated classes.

*available on the Alchemist subscription.

Access practical dreamwork guides to support your practice

*available on both tiers

Upcoming dreamwork classes

What is a dream circle?

A dream circle is a potent form of group work where members regularly share their dreams and support each other in understanding them.

Typically, each 90-minute session can accommodate 2-3 dreams. Each member shares their dream and a little bit about the context around it, then other members take turns asking questions, offering insights, or sharing hunches. At times, the guide works directly with the dreamer through visualisations or other body-based methods to facilitate a deeper experience of the dream.

“Dreams that are neither noticed nor acknowledged have been compared to letters thrown away unopened. Letters are there to be read. Dreams are to be examined and meditated on.”

Kathryn Asper, Jungian analyst

Choose your plan

Dreamwork Circle has been running since April 2023. It now consists of a tight group of wonderful folks from all over the world who meet on a weekly basis to share their dreams and deepen their knowledge of dreamwork.

Ideally, you’ll be in regular therapy or you will have a steady spiritual practice that helps contain the deep work you’ll be doing on your dreams in the group. If you’re not sure this is the right space for you, get in touch to schedule a short call before registering.

The Visionary
Every month
Every year

The ideal membership for dreamers who want to explore their inner world in a supportive community. This tier includes live events only.

✓ 3 dreamwork circles (every Sunday)
✓ A new live class each month (no recording)
✓ Professional guidance from an integrative psychotherapist
✓ A small, safe community of dreamers
The Alchemist
Every month
Every year

Get ultimate experience for dream lovers. It includes access to the entire library of classes and a dedicated channel for ongoing community dream interpretation in between live circles.

✓ Everything in the previous tier, plus:
✓ The month's class live and recorded
✓ The entire dreamwork curriculum (>16 hours)
✓ A dedicated channel to post your dreams in between circles
✓ Ongoing professional support with your dreams