Maria Nazdravan Transpersonal Psychotherapist Tarot Reading Jungian Psychology London

About me

Hi, I am Maria Nazdravan.

Qualified psychotherapist in private practice and at Freshstart / Creator of Dreamwork Circle / Community @ the Dream Research Institute / Writer @ Begin Again newsletter

I am an integrative transpersonal and somatic trauma psychotherapist in private practice in London. I have a special affinity for working creatively using imaginal and body-based interventions, both in-person and online.

Outside of my clinical work, I offer tarot readings, dreamwork sessions, and psychedelic integration services from a holistic perspective that integrates Jungian psychology with trauma-informed somatic, psychodynamic, existential, and spiritual perspectives.

I also work with the Dream Research Institute in London, I write the Begin Again newsletter on Substack, and I teach dreamwork and lead dream groups in my community, Dreamwork Circle.

My training

Psychotherapy & trauma treatment

Post-graduate Diploma in Integrative Transpersonal Psychotherapy
CCPE UK (2021-2024, min 1710 hours)

Sensorimotor Psychotherapy - Level 1 Trauma Themes
SPI (October 2021- May 2022, 96 hours)

Sensorimotor Psychotherapy - Level 2 Developmental Injury
SPI (October 2022 - May 2023, 126 hours)

Advanced Master Program on the Treatment of Trauma
NICABM (12 hours)

Working with the Pain of Abandonment
NICABM (4 hours)

IFS for Complex Trauma 
by Frank Anderson via PESI (12 hours)

Working with Narcissism: Essential Strategies for Working with Narcissism, Severe Traumatisation, Abuse, and Neglect
by Christiane Sanderson via PESI (5 hours)

Grieving a Lost Childhood: A Somatic Approach to Healing Emotional Wounds
by Janina Fisher via Sensorimotor Psychotherapy Institute (1.2 hours)


Trauma-Sensitive Mindfulness Practitioner
with David Treleaven (12 hours)

Masterclass in Interactive Guided Meditation
with Jack Kornfield (9 hours)


Diploma Course in Astrology
Kairos School of Astrology (2024-2025)

Foundation Course in Astrology
Kairos School of Astrology (2023-2024)


A Jungian Perspective on the Tarot
5-week course with Ken James​

​Psychedelic therapy

Navigating Psychedelics for Clinicians and Therapists
Psychedelics Today

​Psychedelic Harm Reduction
The Psychedelic Society UK

Storytelling & communication

BA in Communication & PR
University of Bucharest (2008-2011)

Improv Comedy Levels 1-4
Monkeytoast UK

My story

Maria Nazdravan Transpersonal Psychotherapist Tarot Reader London

I would like to begin this story by telling you how I’ve always dreamed about being a therapist; how, even from my earliest years, I showed an outstanding level of empathy for human suffering; or how I was always in touch with something greater than myself.

The truth, however, is that I really struggled with life. For the largest part I felt disconnected from myself and the world, overwhelmed by anxiety and dread. But I loved music and I loved art and I loved, above all, books. I read voraciously and fantasised about one day being a writer–and so, naturally, I went into advertising.

My years as a creative copywriter were fun and a great distraction from the discomfort I felt within. I loved solving problems in ways no one had thought about before. As someone who spent most of their life feeling like an outsider, I enjoyed finding out what matters to people and creating stories that help them feel understood. But ultimately I couldn’t deny the fact that, no matter how much I liked to pretend my work had meaning, I was merely selling people more stuff they didn’t need.

After ten years of advertising, a humbling, yet necessary breakdown of everything I thought I knew about my life, my mission, and existence brought me to a reckoning. My years of personal psychotherapy, along with my experiences with psychedelic-assisted therapy, and a spiritual emergency piqued my interest for this work enough for me to quit advertising and dedicate myself to a long process of retraining. Looking back, that’s when my life truly started–I began again.

Over the last few years I've been consistently rebuilding through dedicated study, therapy, inner work, and devotion to spiritual practice. I learned the value of suffering consciously and alchemising pain through our greatest vessel, the body, and our imagination. I realised that becoming a good therapist is first and foremost about becoming, not transcending oneself. And I found that amor fati, the love for one’s fate, is the only enlightenment that’s worth pursuing.

Through all this, I came to understand that my work is to use my experience and love for knowledge to accompany and guide others on their own path towards themselves.

And let me tell you, it feels like the greatest honour in the world.

My values


There’s a saying in therapeutic circles that you can’t take someone further than you’ve gone yourself, and I think that’s absolutely true. Everything I teach is the result of dedicated study and hard-earned experience–I really practice what I preach. And that means being honest about where I’m at in my own journey and whether I’m the right person to help you.


In the Arthurian legend of The Holy Grail, the young Perceval can save the wounded Fisher King and restore health in the kingdom with one important question: “Whom does the grail serve?” I believe we’re all given an option in our lives. Do we want to serve our egos or something greater—be that an idea, a group of people, a value, or the great mystery some might call god? I’ve chosen the latter–or, better yet, it has chosen me. My work is now to support others in finding their way to this place within themselves through the mud of the personality, trauma, and societal “shoulds”.


It’s taken me a long time to understand that perfection is not the same as wholeness, but actually the arch-rival of authenticity and deep connection. A big part of my work is about cultivating a space where we can both drop into the wholeness that already exists within us: a place where we can meet and see all parts of ourselves as lovable, wise, and purposeful.


I like to believe we’re here on earth to also “fart around”, as the brilliant Kurt Vonnegut said—to enjoy the human experience with all its ups and downs. In my experience, the more we become ourselves, the more we can laugh at the absurdity and utter magic of life. I’m a big fan of comedy and improv, and a very silly person at heart: my last name actually means cheeky or naughty (or superhero). And while the work I do can go to some deep, serious places, most of my sessions are punctuated with real bursts of joy and laughter. And that’s what it’s all about.

Featured interviews

I also teach the Dreamwork module in the Psychedelic Mentorship Program offered by Onaya Science.